Then & Now
A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Ketchikan's past is very much alive as evidenced in our many historic buildings and neighborhoods, rich continuing traditions, and lively conversations among former and current residents on all things local history. In recent years, community-wide sharing of stories and photographs has inspired a groundswell of interest in Ketchikan days gone by.
To continue the community dialog, Ketchikan Museums challenged locals to place themselves in the past. Exhibit participants selected historic photographs from our collections and created modern-day equivalent images, drawing comparison between what has changed and what has remained the same. The results are playful, creative, referential, and revealing. Above all, these images tell a story across time of our enduring lifestyle and community pride and contribute further layers of meaning to our collective history.
Thank you to the many photographers, models, and visionaries for lending their time and talent to make Then & Now a success. The Then & Now exhibit at the Tongass Historical Museum is on display October 23, 2015 through September 24, 2016.