Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Ketchikan Fire Department
The Ketchikan Volunteer Fire Department was organized just before the City incorporated in 1900, with the purpose of "primarily the protection of life and property from fire, incidentally the welfare and pleasure of its members." The qualifications for joining were simply ownership of a bucket and the ability to carry it full of water. In 2012, Fire Station #1 moved from its longtime Main Street location into the new Bawden Street building.

Modern image
Photographer: Rhonda Bolling
Pictured (left to right): Front Row — Andy Tighe, Rhys Mateo, Mio Rhein, Catherine Tighe, Dave Breikreutz, Ken Montero, Chet Hugo, Fire Chief Abner Hoage, Asst. Chief Jon Dorman, Ken Furchtenicht, Destiny Madewell, Warren Lee, Tiffany Cook, Greg Karlik, James Kleinschmidt, Lloyd Ruaro, Seth Krasnow; Back Row — Fire Marshall Chris Grooms, Frank Divelbiss, Tyler Headley, Willie Schulz, Gretchen O'Sullivan, Terry Roberts, Tim Cook, Jessica Gabor, Kim Stone, Wally Headley, Geoff Hagemann, Jesse Austin
On loan courtesy of City of Ketchikan Fire Department, L2015.4.50.1

Historic image
Ketchikan Volunteer Fire Department on Main Street, October 1954
Photographer: Paulu T. Saari
Pictured: Unknown
Donor: Paulu T. Saari, KM 2003.2.63.1670
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Rhonda BollingModern image by Rhonda Bolling
Historic image by Paulu T. SaariHistoric image by Paulu T. Saari