Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Burger Queen
Connie Hewitt Widmyer started selling burgers out of a truck in 1981. The business quickly grew, and just two years later she opened Burger Queen in its current location on Water Street, just beyond the tunnel. The Burger Queen staff serves over 5,000 customers each month during the summer in contrast to Hamburger Haven, which served its 5,000th burger after 6 weeks in business in 1953.

Modern image
Photographer: Museum staff
Pictured (left to right): Dustin Willard, TyAnn Taylor, Slade Stockli
On loan courtesy of Burger Queen, L2015.4.52.1

Historic image
Serving the 5,000th burger at Hamburger Haven, 1953
Photographer: Paulu T. Saari
Pictured: Unknown
Donor: Paulu T. Saari, KM 2003.2.63.845
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Museum StaffModern image by Museum Staff
Historic image by Paulu T. SaariHistoric image by Paulu T. Saari