Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Cultural Threads
As much as life in Ketchikan has changed over time, there are deep—rooted cultural traditions that have sustained families through the generations. Native dance groups, once discouraged, have been revived by multi—generational efforts. The Su Laxgayna (New Path dancers) are an example of one Native dance group that are embracing new generations while perpetuating long—standing traditions.

Modern image
Photographer: Stacey Williams
Pictured: Kevin Clevenger, Tim Flanery, Gianna Flanery, Mallory Willard, Jayvin Willard, Maricah Whitney, Lisa Dewitt—Narino, Chevenne Cordova, Christine Callahan, Michelle Charles, Jimmie Lee Fawette, Nayomie Welty, Sandra Anthony, and others unidentified
On loan courtesy of Kevin Clevenger, L2015.4.77.1

Historic image
Dancers inside Tongass George's house on Stedman Street, circa 1915
Photographer: Unknown
Pictured: Unknown
Donor: Marge Cloudy, KM 2003.2.3.5
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Stacey WilliamsModern image by Stacey Williams
Historic imageHistoric image