Welcome to the Totem Heritage Center
Yak'éi haat Keeyateení – Lingít (Tlingit)
It's good you traveled here
Daláng ists'áas eehl, íitl' gudangáay 'láagang - Xaad Kíl (Haida)
We are happy you have come
'Dseen Hla Gwalga Lag – Sm'algyax (Tsimshian)
Come in, the fire is warm
This is Lingít Aaní: The Land of the Tlingit
The Totem Heritage Center is on the ancestral lands of the Tlingit, who have been living here since time immemorial. Kichxáan (Ketchikan) was a Tlingit summer fish camp around the mouth of Kichxáan Héeni (Ketchikan Creek). Ketchikan remains the territory of the Taant'a Kwáan (Sea Lion Tribe) of the Tongass Tlingit.
Cultural Understanding through Partnership
The stories and histories shared here belong to the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian and are shared with permission. The Totem Heritage Center represents a long-standing partnership with Alaska Native elders and organizations, artists, teachers, students, and museum professionals working together towards a common mission.