Beaded Fringe Collar, 2022
Aanchgwanutk, Janice L. Jackson
Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian
Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian
Aanchgwanutk, Janice L. Jackson, is an artist, educator, and cultural leader. In 2019, Jackson and her husband, Richard Jackson, founded the Tongass Tlingit Cultural Heritage Institute, a non-profit organization revitalizing Tlingit heritage with youth activities and culture camps in the Ketchikan area. Jackson began teaching at the Totem Heritage Center in 2008. Her classes have included vests, button robes, tunics, and collars.
This collar is made with wool felt, leather, dentalium shell, and glass beads. Jackson combines beadwork on wool with leather fringe for a unique look. This collar was created when Jackson taught the Mixed-Level Regalia - Beaded Hide Collars class in 2022.
This collar is made with wool felt, leather, dentalium shell, and glass beads. Jackson combines beadwork on wool with leather fringe for a unique look. This collar was created when Jackson taught the Mixed-Level Regalia - Beaded Hide Collars class in 2022.
"Beadwork is my love; I always go back to it after trying other art mediums. My great-grandmother was a beadwork artist in Juneau back in the 1950s through 1970s and her work inspires me to this day. She created many pairs of beautifully beaded moccasins to sell at the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Alaska Native Artist Co-op in Juneau. She supported her family through her artistry, and I admire her for that."- Aanchgwanutk, Janice L. Jackson
Loan to Ketchikan Museums