Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
School Christmas
"We thought that it would be fun to recreate a photo that was in the past to show how everything has changed. The experience was exciting and fun. We all used our brainstorming skills to come up with ideas on how to make this unique. All of us definitely did a wonderful job and took the time to get everything ready and perfect."
— Jazmine Easterling

People who helped but not in photo: Savannah Nieshe, Jazmine Easterling, Kaelyn Cadiente, Cody Cobezut, Gabrielle Perro, Jasmine Stephens, Jnae Stern, Mack Ward

Modern image
Photographer: Jasmine Stephens
Pictured: Alec Tobiczyk, Devyn Sader, Angel Trout—Blair, Rhett Crowder, Noah Syfert, Mack Ward, Jeremiah Hayward, Isabella Schreckhise, Gabrielle Perro, Lesset Goffinet, Janae Taclas, Royce Carter, Megan Blandon
On loan courtesy of Ketchikan Charter School, L2015.4.54.1

Historic image
Christmas party at Teen Town, 1953
Photographer: Paulu T. Saari
Pictured: Mike Salazar, Bob Almquist, Al Feller, others unknown
Donor: Paulu T. Saari, KM 2003.2.63.708
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Modern image by Jasmine StephensModern image by Jasmine Stephens
Historic image by Paulu T. SaariHistoric image by Paulu T. Saari