Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
This is How We Roll
Where better to put your soapbox derby car to the test than Main Street. Originally made from orange crates and baby—buggy wheels, 1950s derby racers also used whatever miscellaneous parts might be lying around. Main Street no longer hosts soapbox derby races and the current young people have significantly upgraded their "wheels."

Modern image
Photographer: Jacquelynn Taylor
Pictured (left to right): TyAnn Taylor, Stacey Williams, Nadia Steinberg, Amanda Bolton
On loan courtesy of Jacquelynn Taylor, L2015.4.42.1

Historic image
Soapbox derby race on Main Street, July 4, 1956
Photographer: Paulu T. Saari
Pictured (left to right): Jim Bell, Dale Young, and Duane Torgeson
Donor: Paulu T. Saari, KM 2003.2.63.691
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Jacquelynn TaylorModern image by Jacquelynn Taylor
Historic image by Paulu T. SaariHistoric image by Paulu T. Saari