Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Hikers in a Clearing
"The setting in the original reminded us of the muskeg on Lower Salvage Trail just before the short trail that heads up to the small parking lot on Revilla Road. It was a great photo to recreate because hiking is as popular now as it appeared to be back then. The original features 5 men and 3 women. I drew from a slew of female hiking companions, but I had more trouble talking male friends into the adventure. It was a fun debate amongst 8 people as to which essential details to include in the modern picture. What is that man holding above the woman's head? Did he steal her hat? Did they bag a ptarmigan? What is the rectangular satchel behind the second man on the left side? Is he a writer? A surveyor? And, why all the dour looks?" — Lori Ortiz

Modern image
Photographer: Barry Christensen
Pictured (left to right): Dan Ortiz, Lane Johnson, Lori Ortiz, Karen Stafford, Barry Christensen, Susan Johnson, Barbara Guenther, Judy Christensen
On loan courtesy of Lori Ortiz, L2015.4.68.1

Historic image
Group of hikers in a clearing, circa 1910
Photographer: Harriet Elizabeth Hunt
Pictured (left to right): Back Row — Mr. Newell, Mr. Hunt, Charles Cosgrove, Lena Sample, Pat Gilmore, Nora King, Mrs. Depp; Front Row — Gus Pruell
Donor: Forest J. Hunt via Ketchikan Public Library, THS
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Modern image by Barry ChristensenModern image by Barry Christensen
Historic image by Harriet Elizabeth HuntHistoric image by Harriet Elizabeth Hunt