Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Modern Women
"I chose this picture because I thought it would be fun to recreate with my friends. I wanted to contrast the stereotypical 1915 woman of the day (long dresses, aprons, kitchen gadgets) with a more modern slant — iconic Starbucks cups and smart phones — in both photos women are being goofy and enjoying a break from daily tasks." — Laura Kinunen

Modern image
Photographer: Mark Woodward
Pictured (left to right): Leigh Woodward, Lulu Kinunen, Laura Kinunen, Cameo McRoberts, Aftan Lynch
On loan courtesy of Laura Kinunen, L2015.4.35.2

Historic image
Four women with kitchen instruments, circa 1915
Photographer: Unknown
Pictured: Unknown
Donor: Carol Davis, KM 2000.2.28.4
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Mark WoodwardModern image by Mark Woodward
Historic imageHistoric image