Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Installing Water Pipeline
"Although this photograph taken by Jim Thompson is from 2008, it is a section of 36—inch pipe being installed that supplied the new UV Disinfection Facility being built at that time. George Lybrand of Southeast Engineering is the guy in the red hard hat signaling Ernie Hamilton who is then passing the signal to the crane operator as this critical piece of pipe is carefully being installed. While this pipe section was being installed, the entire water supply from Ketchikan Lakes was shut off. Fortunately, everything fit as Ketchikan's only water supply for the entire community during this period was the amount of water stored in our six reservoirs."
— John Kleinegger

Modern image
Photographer: Jim Thompson
Pictured: George Lybrand (Southeast Engineering), Ernie Hamilton, John Kleinegger, and others unknown
On loan courtesy of KPU Water Division, L2015.4.36.1

Historic image
Installing the Citizens Light, Power, and Water Company Woodstave pipeline, 1912
Photographer: Harriet Elizabeth Hunt
Pictured: Tex Alexander (lower right) and others unknown
Donor: Bertha Hunt Wells, THS
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Jim ThompsonModern image by Jim Thompson
Historic image by Harriet Elizabeth HuntHistoric image by Harriet Elizabeth Hunt