Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Three Women on a Porch
"As a life—long resident, I was raised with a deep appreciation for Ketchikan, its culture, and history. The women were part of Ketchikan's pioneering days, a time when hard work and simple living were the standard. I teach at a Christian school. Everyone involved works very hard in multiple roles besides teaching. I roped in my fellow teacher, Shaylene, and my friend, Jasmine, who volunteers and whose children are my students. We took our photo on Al and Carol Johnson's property, which has a beautiful history all its own. Jasmine and her husband AJ found this location for the overall composition and historicity of the photo. We replaced the lace covered table, flowers, and stove with a globe, whiteboard, and books to represent our work as teachers. We replaced the bib overalls with jeans and suspenders, which were more readily available, and updated the boots to XtraTufs®. We had a great time together recreating the photo of the three women at a cabin and making memories of our own." — Angela Garton

Modern image
Photographer: AJ Pattison
Pictured (left to right): Angela Garton, Jasmine Pattison, Shaylene Wright
On loan courtesy of Angela Garton, L2015.4.74.1

Historic image
Three women on porch of cabin
Photographer: Unknown
Pictured: Unknown
Donor: Estate of Bert Libe, THS
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by AJ PattisonModern image by AJ Pattison
Historic imageHistoric image