Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
The Entertainers
"The photo selected showed a traveling band of musicians in front of a radio microphone. Actually, we were told by museum personnel that this picture helped start the whole she—bang of Then & Now. We elected to recreate the 'then.' It was fun and all of us built a little team stuff in the process, even Otis the dog. Thank you for the great idea!" — Deb Turnbull

Modern image
Photographer: Jeff Fitzwater
Pictured (left to right): Leila Kheiry, Ruth Eddy, Stuart Whyte, Deb Turnbull, Otis the dog, Madelyn Beck, Maria Dudzak
On loan courtesy of KRBD, L2015.4.38.1

Historic image
The Tillicums with a dog at the microphone, circa 1923—1933
Photographer: Elliot L. Fisher
Pictured: Unknown
Donor: Dorothea Walker, THS
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Jeff FitzwaterModern image by Jeff Fitzwater
Historic image by Elliot L. FisherHistoric image by Elliot L. Fisher