Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Tatsuda's Grocery Store
Bill Tatsuda, Jr. and his daughter Katherine stand inside the newly remodeled Tatsuda's IGA. They recreated the 1974 picture of Bill Tatsuda, Sr. and Bill Tatsuda, Jr. standing inside the then newly built Tatsuda's Grocery store at 633 Stedman Street. The Tatsuda family has been selling groceries from locations on Stedman Street since 1916.

Modern image
Photographer: David Flores
Pictured (left to right): Bill Tatsuda, Jr. and Katherine Tatsuda
On loan courtesy of Bill and Katherine Tatsuda, L2015.4.24.1

Historic image
Tatsuda's Grocery Store, 1974
Photographer: Unknown
Pictured (left to right): Bill Tatsuda, Jr. and Bill Tatsuda, Sr.
On loan courtesy of Bill and Katherine Tatsuda, L2015.4.24.2
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by David FloresModern image by David Flores
Historic image by Ketchikan Daily News StaffHistoric image by Ketchikan Daily News Staff