Then & Now : A community photography exhibit connecting Ketchikan's past to the present through the recreation of historic photos
Librarian in the Stacks
"Ketchikan's library has undergone many changes since its founding as the Ladies' Library Association in 1901. The most obvious of these is the new building that opened in January 2013, with its cozy, inviting atmosphere. Formats have also changed greatly with the introduction of eBooks, DVDs, online databases, Playaway audiobooks, CDs and music downloads to the library's collection. In Ketchikan, as in the rest of the country, the library is no longer a dusty repository of books and hushed voices; it is a community gathering space for education and enjoyment. The one thing that remains constant since the original photograph was taken in 1952 is the presence of helpful library staff who are always happy to nurture new generations of readers and to welcome all into the building." — Lisa Pearson

Modern image
Photographer: Tamara Dinsmore
Pictured: Lisa Pearson
On loan courtesy of Ketchikan Public Library, L2015.4.40.1

Historic image
Ketchikan Public Library, November 17, 1952
Photographer: Paulu T. Saari
Pictured: Katherine Hundley
Donor: Paulu T. Saari, KM 2003.2.63.2605
Click to Enlarge
Modern image by Tamara DinsmoreModern image by Tamara Dinsmore
Historic image by Paulu T. SaariHistoric image by Paulu T. Saari