Travis A. K. Wilcox, Owner and Captain of F/V Puffin

The F/V Puffin was originally built in 1917 as a tug boat for the Puffin Bay Packing Company on Baranof Island. It was used to tow fish traps. In 1977, the boat sank and Charles Wills was able to acquire it for a cheap price. The boat seined for many decades. Travis A. K. Wilcox started seining in 1995. He bought the boat in 2019 from Charles, who tragically passed away during the process of selling the boat. Much of the boat has been replaced with aluminum. Travis is making repairs in the hopes to use the boat for trolling. The F/V Puffin is currently moored at Thomas Basin.
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F/V Puffin at Thomas Basin
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Travis A. K. Wilcox on deck

Interview Excerpt: Travis A. K. Wilcox discusses the F/V Puffin's different uses over time.

Full Interview: Travis A. K. Wilcox,
F/V Puffin.

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Galley looking out to back deck
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Wire bundle in engine room
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Drink token from previous owner's memorial service
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F/V Puffin's life ring
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Lines holding tarp down over
back deck
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Engine room
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Trolling poles
and ladder
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Antique light switch