History Afloat
Ketchikan's Historic Wooden Boats
During the heyday of fishing in Ketchikan, wooden boats were a common sight in our waters. Nowadays, with more reliable materials like aluminum and fiberglass, wooden boats are being phased out. They are expensive to maintain and the knowledge of how to repair them is fading. To capture this history before it's gone, Ketchikan Museums partnered with local photographer Brooke Ratzat to document 11 wooden boats through photographs and interviews.
Boats were selected by their connection to Ketchikan, age, gear class and interest of the owner or captain. The interviews give insight into a variety of topics: the boat's history, the interviewees' connection to the boat and their fishing history, boat modifications, explanation of different fisheries, how the industry has changed over their time, and so much more!
A hearty thanks to the inaugural History Afloat participants:
- John Vlaun, F/V West
- Steven W. Axelson, F/V Champion
- Timothy Currall, F/V Johnnie B
- Otto Johansen and Eric Johansen, F/V Oddie
- David E. Hashagen, F/V Voyager
- Robin Neilson, F/V Sultan
- Travis A. K. Wilcox, F/V Puffin
- Dillon Warren, F/V Sunrise
- Karen Hanson Pitcher, F/V Nevada
- John Peckham, F/V Alsek
- Kevin Murphy and Ben Hastings, F/V Rio Grande