Robin Neilson, Owner and Captain of F/V Sultan

The F/V Sultan was built in 1926 in Seattle. The first owner kept the boat for several decades. At some point in its history, the boat sunk. Robin Neilson is from Meyers Chuck, a small community 40 miles northwest of Ketchikan. After 20 years of working at the shipyard, he cashed in his retirement and bought the F/V Sultan in 2020. He painted the boat its unique red, gold, white, and black color scheme to match the colors of his favorite football team, the San Francisco 49ers. The vessel is homeported in Meyers Chuck. When in Ketchikan, the F/V Sultan is tied up at Thomas Basin.
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Captain Robin Neilson

Interview Excerpt: Robin Neilson discusses how he acquired
the F/V Sultan.

Full Interview: Robin Neilson,
F/V Sultan.

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Hoochies for trolling
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Robin Neilson holds a hoochie
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Paintbrushes in cabin
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Book on family history, "Raised in Ruins"
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Mast and trolling poles
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F/V Sultan at
Thomas Basin